To protect you further, we recommend that you pay your school fees using Pay To Study. In this way, your payment is protected in the event of your visa being refused.
PaytoStudy is an easy to use online international payment solution tailored to the educational industry. The service offers a secure and fast way to send payments all over the world at no cost to the sender or receiver.
Local Banking Network
The system allows international payments to be made via local banking networks where transfers can be made in senders own currency while receiving a preferential exchange rate. As payments are made locally, wire and receiver fees usually imposed by banks are eliminated.
Payments are processed in 48 hours.
Less Administration
The payment platform is supported by an online system where payment information and history with details of every payment registered and received are recorded.
The automatic refund system allows institutes to refund any amount back to the originating account of the payee through PaytoStudy.
Implementation and Cost
There is no cost to the education institute to implement the service. PaytoStudy earns only a margin from the foreign exchange rates and no other costs are incurred by the institutes, agencies or students.
For more information, please see the following website: